Tag everyone I attached as a "tag" keywords related to the photo.You can see together a picture of the same tag. Tag 「小室哲哉」 2.6_19:21Miki Sumiyoshi l... @y4uk 118 2.6お誕生日2日後21:04Tets... @y4uk 92 4.21#TM NETWORK 35th Anni... @y4uk 1 273 いつか僕が泳ぎ疲れてこの... @y4uk 1 1 554 公衆電話も小室哲哉も無く... @y4uk 2 2 504 1995.8.26東京ベイサイドス... @y4uk 2 672 IMG_3032 bakabon 1 111 Showing all 7