@y4uk's TagsI attached as a "tag" keywords related to the photo.You can see together a picture of the same tag. Tag 「時計」 1 2 3 4 Next 9.26☀️32℃36%27☁️予報☂️外... 1 4 9.7_9:44🌞25/41.5℃26%🪟寝汗... 2 7 9.15_35.2℃43%連日危険酷... 35℃42%#最晩#酷暑寝不足寒... 34℃48%昨日同様の温湿度#... 8.31_34.7℃41%発熱37.5℃全... 1 8.20_20:02「36.5℃51%」落... 36℃45%保冷剤20分のみ…湿... 1 31.8℃65%南強風(近畿台風7... 8.8曇り湿気酷く久しぶり下... 38.1℃30%15:00_8.4昼37.8℃... 37.8℃31%am11:44_8.4High ... 7.15-31連日24h37-39℃全身... 1 38.5℃20%熱中症危険じっと... 38.4℃33%14:46_7.18連日... 39.1℃29%14:48_7.16今年最... 37.9℃35%7.12_14:56過去最... "37.1℃38%"7.11_15:24過去... 7.8_14:48"29.7℃61%"diffe... 7.6_21:42"32℃52%"限界耐... Showing 1 through 20 1 2 3 4 Next