
North Korea is being hated by all over the world, so am I. #Twitter # world

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写真: North Korea is being hated by all over the world, so am I.  #Twitter # world

写真: North Korea is being disliked by all over the world, so am I, #Twitter #world #news #opinion 写真: North Korea is like giving a kid a loaded gun. #Twitter #news #world

I am an everyday Japanese person but 
North Korea is being hated by all over the world, so am I.
And he is saying that make you a sea of fire with intimidating to us but it is.
May be the image is this one.
North Korea is only know a gamesmanship that kidnapping and bracing and intimidating with a military forces.
I think North Korea is a woful (out-of-date) nation.
North Korea's Nuclear Program:
私は平凡な一日本人であるが、世界から嫌われている北朝鮮は 私も嫌いだ。
北朝鮮は軍事力で 拉致や 脅しや 威嚇とかの駆け引きしか知らない、

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