@y4uk's TagsI attached as a "tag" keywords related to the photo.You can see together a picture of the same tag. Tag 「CM5S2」 9.9"B&W CM5S2"高級スピー... 1 1 9.9 Birthday“B&W CM5S2 Ro... 3 191 19:52“AK70MKII”中古start“... 2 296 9.9 B&W CM5S2 to 3rd birt... 1 1 274 B&W CM5S2 〜9.9きょう2歳... 2 2 1425 9.9My B&W Birthday! 〜月... 4 5 737 月みたいなウーファーとロ... 2 3 3670 Showing all 7