@y4uk's TagsI attached as a "tag" keywords related to the photo.You can see together a picture of the same tag. Tag 「障害者」 9.30☁️22°Cold19:30-21:10📻... 1 4 9.26☀️32℃36%27☁️予報☂️外... 1 4 9.12_9:20🌞36-44.2℃26ー65%... 2 3 2024.9.4洗う酷暑寒暖差生... 2 6 ②0②④.②.④HappyBirthdaytoMe... 1 1 8.1_27(32)℃loudy"This Sum... 4.25#BadDay→Week:whole th... 67 4.29#恋せぬふたりNHKドラ... 1 64 2.6.2022_19:38 Very Cold ... 1 84 23:36&:50_3.16"M7.3"2度も... 2 106 3.14.2022#30℃#VeryHot#Spr... 3 99 8.13#デルタ株#感染爆発#制... 134 8.25_10:23am the blue sky... 2 3 236 14:10切れた“点火ヒーター”... 1 279 14:00ストーブ“点火ヒータ... 2 266 Showing all 15